Sunday, May 26, 2024

Kooroocheang and onwards

I've been riding this wonderful bike almost every day. The CB250 Nighthawk is such an unsung hero. I work for myself from home, and most afternoons will go write in a cafe in town (Maryborough) for a couple of hours. Afterwards, I have been a spending a half hour exploring different bush roads on the edge of town as a long way home. Once a week I'll take a longer ride. This week I was greedy and took two such rides. Friday was to Ampitheatre, then south to Beaufort, lunch, north to Bealiba--including some exploring on the dirt--then Dunolly and home. Today I rode west in the Autumn light. I cruised at an easy pace on single lane roads, simply rolling the throttle on and off in top gear, through patches of forest and dale, and always emerging into green farmland. I passed through Smeaton, Clunes for lunch, then through the forests south of Talbot.
I could not bring the ride to an end, so the last hour or two were spend riding forest and farm roads south of Maryborough. It's so good to be on a bike again, and this is Nighthawk is such a simple, reliable, pleasurable choice.


  1. Good to see you back Matthew. Wish you safe contemplative riding. Any bike will do but the Royal Enfield 500 single, for me, enhances that meditative spot when riding at modest speeds, just to be in the zone, like no other bike so far has. If you can find the chance to try ………………

    1. Thank you 🙂 Yes, I have mused about whether to get another SR500 or Bullet. There’s a very nice SR I could purchase right now, so it’s been on my mind. Trouble is, I’m really enjoying the CB250, especially as I make dirt touring modifications. But I’m thinking that there is an empty spot beside it in the shed, and that maybe a BSA or AJS single is on the cards….
